School Policies

School Discipline

The College of Medicine adopts such rules and regulations for discipline as promulgated by the Commission on Higher Education.

The College of Medicine requires the students to attend classes and other official functions of the College in their prescribed uniforms. Wearing the nameplate or identification tag is integral to the uniform. This is necessary not only to identify the students but also as a matter of good conduct and discipline. Failure to be in uniform shall be sufficient cause to ban the student from classes and such other official functions in the College. Such absences shall be considered as unexcused.

Smoking and eating, including drinking alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the classrooms, laboratories, lecture rooms and wards of the Medical Center.

Grading System

  1. Final grades shall be given and placed in the transcript of records for each course.
  2. Evaluation shall cover student performance in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. The grades shall be on performance in tutorials, SGD (Small Group Discussion), reports, examinations and other requirements of the course.
  3. Grades shall be reported in the ten-point system as follows except for Bioethics, History of Medicine and Perspectives in Medicine wherein grades are passed or failed:
Number Percent Descriptive
1.00 97-100 Excellent
1.25 94-96 Excellent
1.50 91-93 Very Good
1.75 88-90 Very Good
2.00 85-87 Good
2.25 83-84 Good
2.50 80-82 Fair
2.75 77-79 Passed
3.00 75-76 Passed
5.00 Below 75 Failed
IP In Progress (for the first part of a one year subject)
X Absent from exam
INC Incomplete/ Deficient in requirements
W Dropped without credit
LOA Leave of Absence
GW Grade Withheld
FA Failed due to Absences

Guidelines on submission of grades

Students will be given their final grades at the end of the semester. Grades will be submitted to the promotions board no later than three (3) weeks after the final examinations for year levels one to three. For fourth year students, final grades for all rotations will be submitted to the Junior Internship Coordinator within two (2) weeks after each rotation.

The faculty will advise students of their class standing in the middle of the semester and at the end of the semester. Incomplete grades and deferred assessment grades should be completed or remediated before the next academic year or school year based on previous rules in the handbook.

Attendance and Participation in Class

Students are required to attend and participate in class activities beginning the first day of classes. The medium of instruction and communication is English.

All missed work covered by the classes during excused absences shall be made up to the respective instructor and within a reasonable time. When the number of hours incurred by unexcused absences of a student reaches 20 percent of the total number of hours of a course/module, he/she shall be dropped from the course/module.

Time lost by late enrollment shall be considered as time lost by absence, which is unexcused. Exceptions may be decided upon the discretion of the Dean.

If a student is absent from the final examinations, he/she will be given a final grade of “X”. If his/her absence is justifiable as determined by the faculty in-charge, a special examination may be authorized by the Dean for which a fee shall be charged per subject.

Students who received a grade of “X” or “INC” must satisfy all requirements for such a course before the opening of the next academic year. Failure to do so will cause the grade of “X” or “INC” to be converted to “5”.

In case a student is absent from classes due to illness, a medical certificate from the Infirmary is required so that the absence will be excused.

No other medical certificate shall be entertained. Should the student be bedridden, any member from his/her household can notify the Infirmary immediately. The hospital ambulance with the Infirmary physician can be sent to the student’s residence for the necessary attention.

Conduct During Examination

  1. Schedule for formal examination is posted on bulletin boards. These are also available from the Office of the Dean.
  2. Students should be in complete uniform and are required to follow all instructions given during the examination time.
  3. A student will be asked to sign his name upon receiving his examination papers and upon submitting the same.
  4. During examination, students are not allowed to leave assigned places without the permission of the proctors.
  5. The use of cell phones or any electronic device is prohibited during examination time.
  6. Cheating during examination is punishable under the Code of Conduct of Students.
  7. Anybody who comes late in an examination will be given an examination but he will have to submit the examination paper on the scheduled time.
  8. A fee shall be charged for each special examination requested by the students.

For excused absences, a special examination is given upon request by the students.

Guidelines and Standards for Promotion, Retention and Dropping of Students

  1. A student who receives passing grades in all courses, shall be promoted to the next higher level.
  2. A student who receives failing grade in less than 35% of the annual load shall be retained in the same year. He/She may take advanced courses upon the recommendation of the promotion board provided he/she has passed the prerequisite courses. There should be no conflicts in schedule and his/her load shall not exceed 70% of the total annual load.
  3. A student who receives failing grade in 35% or more of the annual load shall be dropped from the rolls of the college.
  4. A student who fails a course for the second time shall be dropped from the rolls.
  5. All courses with a grade of “INC” must be completed before the opening of the next academic year or at a date set by the Promotion Board.
  6. A shall enter clinical clerkship at the start of the semester.

Clinical Clerkship ( Junior Internship) in Other Local Hospital

  • Junior Interns rotate in local hospitals with which the College has a memorandum of agreement for these rotations to take place. This is done in order to increase the exposure to clinical material that is otherwise limited in the teaching hospital of the College.


  • A clinical staff physician of the affiliate hospital shall be appointed as clinical faculty in charge of the junior interns from UERMMMC.


  • This faculty member shall orient, supervise and evaluate the junior interns of UERMMMC who are rotating in that hospital.


  • He/she serves as the liaison between the College and the said hospital and shall be given an honorarium for services rendered as clinical faculty.


  • Junior Interns rotating in the local outside hospital should be under the direct supervision of the appointed clinical faculty member in the hospital.


  • Clinical evaluations should be submitted by the appointed clinical faculty to the corresponding department head at least two (2) weeks after each batch of interns finish their rotations.


  • Junior Interns shall observe the school policies and the house staff policies in the hospital wherein the said outside rotations take place.

Clinical Clerkship (Junior Internship) Abroad

  1. Junior internship with foreign citizenship may be allowed only in affiliated hospitals abroad. A third year student going in junior internship may apply for rotations outside of the country only in hospitals affiliated with the College of Medicine with the approval of the Dean.
  2. A description of the clinical rotations/s of the foreign hospital should be submitted to the Dean’s Office through the Junior Intern Coordinator. This narrative should include the teaching objectives of the clinical rotation, the expected teaching and learning activities and the different assessment tools to ascertain and evaluate clinical skills and knowledge acquired during the rotation.
  3. 3) A memorandum of understanding should be agreed upon by both institutions for the student to have his/her rotations in the foreign hospital.
  4. 4) The doctor in charge of the training of the junior intern should directly communicate with the Dean’s Office and/or the Junior Intern Coordinator regarding the performance evaluation of the junior intern. The performance rating of the junior interns should be submitted to the Junior Intern Coordinator within two (2) weeks after the completion of each rotation.
  5. 5) All junior interns should pass a written comprehensive examination and complete all academic requirements prior to graduation.

Guidelines for Evaluation of Interns

Evaluation of interns should ideally be done within the period prescribed for their rotations. Grades for these evaluations should be submitted in writing to the Junior Intern Coordinator by the junior internship training officer of each clinical rotation within two weeks after the completion of the said rotations.

Leave of Absence ( LOA )

A first to third year level student, may file a leave of absence from the University on or before the 10th week of classes of each semester, subject to approval by the Dean. Courses that have been completed and graded before the filing date will be considered final; while courses in progress will be considered dropped without credit and therefore not graded.

Similarly, a fourth year student may also file a leave of absence from the University at any time during clerkship or junior internship, subject to approval by the Dean. If the rotations completed and graded comprise 60% of the total rotations, these shall be credited and considered final, while the rotation in progress will be considered dropped without credit and therefore not graded. Otherwise, the clinical clerk shall repeat all the rotations.

Approved leave of absence will be applicable only for that particular school year. The student may request in writing, for an extension of a leave of absence by re-applying for a leave for another year. Leave of absence can only be availed of for two consecutive years.

If a student fails to enroll after the lapse of the approved leave of absence, he/she shall be notified by the registrar, shall be considered Absent Without Leave(AWOL), and shall be dropped from the rolls of the University.

Should a student currently enrolled be absent from classes more than 20% of the attendance, he/she shall be dropped from the rolls due to absences.


Procedures for filing a leave of absence:

  1. A student may request for a leave of absence from the college by submitting a request for leave of absence together with a letter of petition indicating the reasons and accompanied by supporting documents to the Dean. This should be accomplished on or before the 10th week of the current semester except in extenuating circumstances like severe illness. In the case of a fourth year student, he/she shall follow the rules of the house staff manual.
  2. Once approved, this leave of absence is applicable for one (1) year renewable for a maximum of two (2) years consecutive.
  3. When a student returns from a leave of absence, he/she should re-enroll at either the first or second semester in order to take the courses that he/she has not completed in curriculum level when he/she went on LOA.

Withdrawal from the College

Honorable dismissal is voluntary withdrawal from the College with the consent of the Dean. All indebtedness to the College must be settled before a statement of honorable dismissal is issued. The statement indicates that the student withdrew in good standing as far as conduct and character are concerned. If a student has been dropped from the roll on account of poor scholarship, a statement to that effect may be added to the dismissal.

A student who withdraws after the first half of the 2nd semester shall be given a grade of “5” in yearly subject where he has unsatisfactory grades. A student who withdraws without completing his deficiency in any subject shall automatically be given a grade of“5”.

A student who leaves the College for reason of suspension or expulsion due to disciplinary action shall not be entitled to honorable dismissal. Should he/she be permitted to receive his transcript of records on the certification of his academic status in the university, it shall contain a statement of the disciplinary action rendered against him.

If a student in good standing desires an honorable dismissal, he should present to the Dean a written petition to that effect, signed by his parents or guardian.

A student may get a certified transcript of records upon withdrawal from the College. However, the transcript of records will be forwarded by mail to the school where the student wishes to enroll.