School Policies

Admission, Retention, Promotion and Dismissal Policies

While the UERMMMC College of Nursing maintains an open admission policy, it maintains
  • A general average of 3.00 or better is required to pass any course. A student who obtains at least a grade of 3.00 in all prescribed courses and in clinical experience shall be promoted to the next higher class.
  • Incomplete grades (INC) not completed before the start of the next academic year will automatically be changed to a failing grade. Any student who incurred a failing grade in any course shall not be promoted to the next higher class.
  • Students who have unsatisfactory grades in Related Learning Experience (RLE) or deficiencies must satisfy all requirements before they are allowed to enroll for the next academic year.
  • A student who obtains a failing grade in a prerequisite course will not be allowed to enroll the next course which the failed subject is a prerequisite.
  • A student is dropped from the rolls of the College of Nursing when: he fails one (1) subjects in a for Levels I & II he fails a repeated subject for Levels III & IV he consistency demonstrates unsatisfactory clinical work or shows undesirable attitude and behavior not acceptable with the nursing profession.
  • A student who receives a failing grade in any clinical area shall not be allowed to advance to the next are until a passing grade is obtained. The student will need to obtain a passing grade and will do so during the regular period. A student is not allowed to perform his/her duties during vacation.
  • The college reserves the right to refuse to enroll any student who is deemed not fit for the nursing profession and to require the withdrawal of any student if in its opinion, the interest of the College so requires.